About 6 weeks ago, just after we found out we were pregnant, Ellie (who did not know we were expecting unil 4 days ago) asked me if she could name one of the babies in my belly. I laughed and said "What?" She said, "There's two babies in your belly, can I name one of them?" This was amusing, although slightly alarming since she had foreshadowed my pregnancy with Clark a few days before we found out. She has since mentioned either "twins" or "the babies" many times in last 6 weeks, including this morning at breakfast where she said she had decided to name the boy-Darren and the girl Dorrie. Spencer just chuckled.
Well, at about 9:30 this morning we had our first appt. and ultrasound. Dr. B put the wand on my belly and turned the machine on. The first image that came up on the screen was a perfect shot of two sacs and he quickly moved the wand, looked at us with a startled face and started to say " Well...one thing we haven't talked about..." . Now this may have worked for some first timers, but we've seen a few ultrasounds in our day. He looked at our huge eyes and mouths agape, and said "Shoot...I was going to try to prep you...but... Congratulations! You're having twins!" We looked at each other and started laughing. We filled him in on our 5-year-old prophetess and he got a big kick out of it and started telling nurses in the hall. He also requested I bring her in on my next visit so he could meet her and possibly get some lotto numbers :-) Spencer says her spiritual gift shall only be used for good, not state-regulated gambling.
Needless to say, we are shocked, thrilled, scared and excited about having twins. All I can say is God's plans are bigger than ours!
We are sill saying, "WOW"!!!
Woo Hoo!!!! Two babies mean someone else like me can do more holding and snuggling when I'm in town...your babies are good snugglers!
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