Saturday, August 10, 2024

Voter Guide Leon County, Florida Primary Ballot Blog (Republican Party) Aug 2024


Leon County, Florida Primary Ballot Blog (Republican Party)

Don't forget to vote August 20, 2024

This is my take and observations on the candidates on my ballot. I include links where I can but really this is an exercise to help ME decide who to vote for. Hope it helps those others out there researching

United States Senator - Rick Scott is the clear front runner with already being a senator and experience as the former governor. 
John S Columbus - Pro recreational marijuana. Leans Progressive on several issues. I'm not sure why is is running as a Republican.  
Keith Gross Businessman and lawyer. Born and raised in Florida, seems to be a good solid conservative but not likely to beat the Democrat opponent. 
Rick Scott (my pick) Current member of the US Senate (since 2019). I think he has done a pretty good job in the senate. He has made enemies on both sides of the aisle but has voted fairly conservatively.

US Congress District 2 - While I like Rhonda's positions and would likely vote for her if they were both newcomers, I don't think Neal has done a bad job and his name recognition and experience is a huge factor in the general election giving him a much higher chance of beating the Democrat opponent.
Neal Dunn  - (my pick) While he steers away from controversial issues and often does not want to take a strong stand, he votes fairly conservative.  
Rhonda Woodward - Lifelong Floridian, small government conservative, fiscally conservative. I agree with most of her policy positions and would support her if I thought she could win. 

Property Appraiser -  This is a toss up but I'm leaning towards Ken. Watch the debate HERE.
Akin Akinyemi Current property appraiser elected in 2016. He had zero experience before he was elected the first time. It is hard to judge his performance since this is not a policy based job. I did not like his policies when he was originally running for county commissioner. Supported by Jeremy Matlow and Jack Porter.
Kenneth "Ken" Preston - (my close pick)Worked for the Leon County Property appraiser. Supported by Mayor Dailey.

State Committeeman - This position is in charge of get out the vote efforts, organizing voter registration, and representing party voters.
Evan J. Power - (my pick) The current Republican Party of Florida chairman. Worked as assistant for Marco Rubio. Former Leon County Republican party chairman. He has an easy job with DeSantis as Governor. I have not read anything negative about him. 
Michael Rosenthal  - Not much information available.

County Judge, Group 4 - You can view the debate HERE.  This was a difficult pick between Churchill and Riggans.
Cyndee Brown Previously a teacher, graduated from FSU. Assistant state attorney for 4 years then in private practice. After watching her in debate it is a No for me.
Robert Churchill - Graduated FSU, private practice since 2006. Philosophy of judicial restraint.
LaShawn D. Riggans - (my close pick) Graduated Florida Coastal School. Deputy County Attorney for Leon County for 6 years. Assistant County Attorney for 6 years. Considers herself a judicial moderate.

School Board Member, District 2
Rosanne Wood  Current school board chair. Supported by Rocky Hanna. Doxed Ron Desantis' kids. Strong supporter of masking kids in school during Covid.
Daniel Zeruto  (my pick) - Supported by "Moms for Liberty", says most important issue for school board is lack of transparency with parents. 

School Board Member, District 4
Laurie Lawson Cox(my pick) Teacher for 33 years. Well spoken, seems to have a lot of connections in the schools. Seems politically middle of the road.
Jeremy Rogers Firefighter and founder of Tallahassee Adventure Club, Tots and Trails, and the Killearn Sunshine Academy. Is supported by Equality Florida (a far left pro LGBTQ+#$ political group), therefore he is a NO for me. 

City Commissioner, Seat 1
Anyone but not Jack. The debate can be watched HERE
Louis Dilbert Not a lot of information about him other than he has been in Tallahassee 25 years.  He is not clear on his policy positions. Another Democrat. 
Rudolph "Rudy" Ferguson (my reluctant pick) - Senior pastor of New Birth Tabernacle of Praise. Board Member of Griffin Heights Neighborhood Assoc. Board Member of 100 Black Men Chapter of Tallahassee. Board Member of Leon County Sherriff's Citizen Advisory Council. A moderate Democrat at least he supports law enforcement. 
Jacqueline "Jack" Porter - Current city commissioner. Anyone but Jack. She has proven to be a far left socialist with poor ethics. 

City Commissioner, Seat 2

These are all left leaning. The debate can be watched HERE
Dot Inman-Johnson - Former City Commissioner and 2 term Mayor in Tallahassee. Served on National Superfund Advisory committee. Serves on a ton of boards and environmental committees. Lots of experience. Very left of center.  
Donna Nyack - A relative newbie, registered nurse and California native moved to Tallahassee less than a year ago. Registered Republican but seems to support leftist policies. I don't know why she is running. 
Curtis Richardson - (my reluctant pick) Current City Commissioner (since 2014), a moderate Democrat, pushed for 27% city tax hike, voted to approve contracts for city vendors that had recently donated to his campaign and did not excuse himself from voting. He does support the local law enforcement. He is the least bad. 
Bernard Michael Stevens Jr - Reverend of a local church. I could not find much info on him. His answers in interviews and debates indicates very similar views to the other candidates.