Monday, October 14, 2024

Leon County, Florida Ballot Blog (General Election)


Leon County, Florida General Ballot Blog November 2024

Vote early if you can, or vote on November 5, 2024.
Early voting starts Oct 21st. 

This is my take and observations on the candidates on my ballot. I include links where I can but really this is an exercise to help ME decide who to vote for. Hope it helps those others out there researching.
You wouldn't choose your brain surgeon based on personality, choose your government leader based on how they vote.

A few additional resources I like.
James Madison Institute Amendment Guide
ivoter guide - simple non-partisan summary based on your zip code (make sure you click the  20204 general election button on the right.
The Tallahassee Democrat Guide is OK but you can only view it a couple of times before they make you pay for it, and as their name implies they are biased towards Democrats.

US President - I'm not going to say much about the presidential race except to keep in mind that you are voting for someone to do a specific job. I would not hire a plumber based on his twitter posts or even ads, but on how well he does the job.

United States Senator - The Senate is very important, among its many duties it also approves Supreme Court and other federal judges.
Rick Scott (REP) (my pick) Current member of the US Senate (since 2019). I think he has done a pretty good job in the senate. He has made enemies on both sides of the aisle but has voted fairly conservatively.
Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (DEM) - Served in Florida Congress for 2 years. Strong abortion supporter. Has a fairly conservative stance on international affairs. Endorsed by Planned Parenthood and several unions.

US Congress District 2 - I think Neal has done a pretty good job
Neal Dunn (REP)  - (my pick) While he steers away from controversial issues and often does not want to take a strong stand, he votes fairly conservative.  
Yen Bailey (DEM)  Daughter of South Vietnamese immigrants. Senior Attorney for the Guardian ad Litem Program and spent over 13 years as an ethics attorney at the Florida Bar. High tax, pro-abortion, anti-gun rights. Typical Democrat. 

State Senator District 3 - 
Corey Simon (REP) - (my pick) Current Senator for District 3. Former CEO of Volunteer Florida. A moderate Republican, I would love for him to be more conservative but this is what we have. 
Daryl Parks (DEM) - A personal injury and civil rights attorney. Hard leftist.

State Representative - District 9
Spencer Brass (REP) - (my pick) Has a great first name. Young local Real Estate Agent and code enforcer, lifelong resident of Tallahassee. I'm not sure why there was not a Republican Primary for this position. I'm making a partisan vote here since Brass doesn't have a record in public office to go by.
Allison Tant (DEM) - Current state Representative for Florida House 9th District. Former lobbyist and Democrat Party Florida Chair. 

Superintendent of Schools - I don't really like either of them. 
A debate between the 2 can be watched HERE.
Rocky Hanna (DEM) - Former teacher and principle of Leon High. Opposes school choice and state vouchers. 
Joe Burgess (NPA)(my pick) Teacher coach and current principle of Chiles High School since 2012.  He seems to have done a good job at Chiles. I think it is time for a change in leadership

Justice of the Supreme Court (Retain ?)
(Yes) Retain Justice Renatha Francis
(Yes) Retain Justice Meredith Sasso

District Court of Appeal (Retain ?)
(Yes) Retain Judge Stephanie Ray
(Yes) Retain Judge Bradford L. Thomas
(Yes) Retain Judge M. Kemmerly Thomas

County Judge, Group 4 - You can view the debate HERE.  This was a difficult pick between Churchill and Riggans.
Robert Churchill (my close pick) Graduated FSU, private practice since 2006. Philosophy of judicial restraint. After listening to additional interviews I am giving the edge to Mr. Churchill.
LaShawn D. Riggans -  Graduated Florida Coastal School. Deputy County Attorney for Leon County for 6 years. Assistant County Attorney for 6 years. Considers herself a judicial moderate.

Board of County Commissioners at Large, Group 1
The debate can be watched HERE or another debate HERE.
Carolyn D. Cummings  Current County Commissioner since 2020. An attorney with over 35 years of experience in government and general practice law. Main concerns are crime and affordable housing. 
David T. Hawkins  (my pick) - Works at Florida Department of Revenue Warehouse. Fiscal conservative, emphasis on limiting county spending. Has a horrible website and is not running a very organized campaign, but I like his stand on issues. 

Board of County Commissioners District 4
The debate can be watched HERE or another debate HERE.
Isaac Montilla - (my pick) Chiropractor and resident of Tallahassee for 13 years. Owner of Verity Health, obviously pro small business. Wants to bring his organization and managing skills used in business to use as county commissioner. I am biased towards him since I know him personally. 
Brian Welch  Current District 4 County Commissioner. Less illiberal than some of the other commissioners but mostly just wants to stay under the radar and not challenge anyone. Chiles High teacher, Main issues, getting additional parks for the NE Tallahassee and limiting development. I agree with many of his positions, I just agree more with Montilla.

City Commissioner, Seat 2
They are both left leaning but Dot leans hard to the left. The debate can be watched HERE
Dot Inman-Johnson Former City Commissioner and 2 term Mayor in Tallahassee. Served on National Superfund Advisory committee. Serves on a ton of boards and environmental committees. Lots of experience. Very left of center. Paid her husband with Campaign funds, while technically legal, it is not normally done. Recently attended Forum sponsored by Anti-Police Group.  
Curtis Richardson (my reluctant pick) Current City Commissioner (since 2014), a moderate Democrat, pushed for 27% city tax hike, voted to approve contracts for city vendors that had recently donated to his campaign and did not excuse himself from voting. He does support the local law enforcement. He is the least bad. 


In general if you don't understand an amendment it is better to vote NO. Our Florida constitution is muddied up with way too many things that should have been left to legislation by the house and senate, and not put forever in the constitution. James Madison Institute Amendment Guide

No. 1 - Partisan Election of Members of District School Boards
Makes school board elections partisan (candidates have to declare a party [Republican, Democrat, or other]) starting in 2026. Right now candidates have to run as NPA. Unfortunately politics plays a role in school boards more and more, and knowing someone's party affiliation helps understand them more

This is an issue that cannot be addressed by the Legislature.

No. 2 - Right to Fish and Hunt
Passing this would make it harder for future legislatures to put severe limits on hunting and fishing. It would not infringe on the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s authority. Which seems a little counter intuitive to me. Because this generally limits governmental power, I support it.
This is an issue that cannot be addressed by the Legislature.

No. 3 - Adult Personal Use of Marijuana
This would legalize Marijuana use for those 21 and older. The Libertarian side of me wants to be for this but the cons outweigh the pros. Multiple studies show and increase in traffic accidents after legalization in other states. There would be an increase in tax revenue but likely an overall decrease in productivity. Studies on crime increases/decreasing are contradictory. It would lead to more kids using and more accidental uses by kids. Personally I just hate the smell. Also the difference between Marijuana and Alcohol are I can have a drink with Zero impacts mentally. I'm guessing that is not true about smoking one joint.
HERE is a seemingly "middle of the road" study by the CATO institute looking at states post legalization. 
This does not need to be in the state Constitution and could be addressed by the legislature.

No. 4 -  Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion
The wording of this amendment is very misleading. In addition to negating Florida's post 6 week ban on abortion, it gives decision power to a "healthcare provider" which is a very broad term. Also a "patients health" is not defined and could be interpreted very broadly. Also "fetal viability" is not defined... 2 year olds cannot survive on their own unless there is someone to bring them food does that mean they are not viable? Practically this would allow abortion up to birth with almost no restrictions.

No. 5 - Annual Adjustments to the Value of Certain Homestead Exemptions
This would make it so that as inflation increases so does the homestead exemption. Stabilizing tax brakes for long term home owners. As it is currently local governments get more taxes as inflation increases. This would require them to be more transparent about raising taxes, requiring debates and discussion. 
This is an issue that cannot be addressed by the Legislature.

No. 6 - Repeal of Public Campaign Financing Requirement
This would repeal the provision already in the Florida Constitution that provides Campaign Financing $ for candidates that meet certain requirements. In 2022 this funding cost FL taxpayers $13 million. I understand that the original provision was trying to make elections more fair by giving $ to those that did not already have a lot of money to run, but I don't think the state should be funding anyone's campaign. Just my opinion.
This is an issue that cannot be addressed by the Legislature.

City Charter Amendments

These are not really legislative and need to be addressed in the Charter amendments.
No. 1 - Charter Amendment Addressing the Salaries of the City Commissioners
Currently City Commissioners make about $50,000.00. Keep in mind this position is designed to be a part time job. Commissioners are supposed to have another job. This would make their pay equal to that of the County Commission ~$100,000. Doubling their salary. I don't want to give the City Commissioners any more $, they should not try to make this a full time job.

No. 2 - Charter Amendment Expanding Jurisdiction of the Independent Ethics Board
I'm not sure how much real power the Independent Ethics Board has, especially since it seems to be made up of friends of the City Commissioners. But I do think giving them more jurisdiction could be helpful since corruption has been a serious issue with the City  Commission in the past. 

No. 3 - Charter Amendment to Resolve Two-Candidate Elections at the General Election
Right now some elections are determined in the primary which has a much lower turnout. This would make it so that if there is only 2 candidates running for City Commission it would be decided in the general instead of the primary. 

No. 4 -  Charter Amendment to Provide for Periodic Review of the Charter
This would create a committee to review the charter every 10 years, starting in June 2033. I think it is probably a good idea.

No. 5 - Charter Amendment to Define the Role of the Inspector General
The IG is the watchdog for the city commission. Right now it is fairly easy for the commission to fire the IG, making it hard for them to criticize their boss. This amendment makes it harder for the IG to be fired.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Voter Guide Leon County, Florida Primary Ballot Blog (Republican Party) Aug 2024


Leon County, Florida Primary Ballot Blog (Republican Party)

Don't forget to vote August 20, 2024

This is my take and observations on the candidates on my ballot. I include links where I can but really this is an exercise to help ME decide who to vote for. Hope it helps those others out there researching

United States Senator - Rick Scott is the clear front runner with already being a senator and experience as the former governor. 
John S Columbus - Pro recreational marijuana. Leans Progressive on several issues. I'm not sure why is is running as a Republican.  
Keith Gross Businessman and lawyer. Born and raised in Florida, seems to be a good solid conservative but not likely to beat the Democrat opponent. 
Rick Scott (my pick) Current member of the US Senate (since 2019). I think he has done a pretty good job in the senate. He has made enemies on both sides of the aisle but has voted fairly conservatively.

US Congress District 2 - While I like Rhonda's positions and would likely vote for her if they were both newcomers, I don't think Neal has done a bad job and his name recognition and experience is a huge factor in the general election giving him a much higher chance of beating the Democrat opponent.
Neal Dunn  - (my pick) While he steers away from controversial issues and often does not want to take a strong stand, he votes fairly conservative.  
Rhonda Woodward - Lifelong Floridian, small government conservative, fiscally conservative. I agree with most of her policy positions and would support her if I thought she could win. 

Property Appraiser -  This is a toss up but I'm leaning towards Ken. Watch the debate HERE.
Akin Akinyemi Current property appraiser elected in 2016. He had zero experience before he was elected the first time. It is hard to judge his performance since this is not a policy based job. I did not like his policies when he was originally running for county commissioner. Supported by Jeremy Matlow and Jack Porter.
Kenneth "Ken" Preston - (my close pick)Worked for the Leon County Property appraiser. Supported by Mayor Dailey.

State Committeeman - This position is in charge of get out the vote efforts, organizing voter registration, and representing party voters.
Evan J. Power - (my pick) The current Republican Party of Florida chairman. Worked as assistant for Marco Rubio. Former Leon County Republican party chairman. He has an easy job with DeSantis as Governor. I have not read anything negative about him. 
Michael Rosenthal  - Not much information available.

County Judge, Group 4 - You can view the debate HERE.  This was a difficult pick between Churchill and Riggans.
Cyndee Brown Previously a teacher, graduated from FSU. Assistant state attorney for 4 years then in private practice. After watching her in debate it is a No for me.
Robert Churchill - Graduated FSU, private practice since 2006. Philosophy of judicial restraint.
LaShawn D. Riggans - (my close pick) Graduated Florida Coastal School. Deputy County Attorney for Leon County for 6 years. Assistant County Attorney for 6 years. Considers herself a judicial moderate.

School Board Member, District 2
Rosanne Wood  Current school board chair. Supported by Rocky Hanna. Doxed Ron Desantis' kids. Strong supporter of masking kids in school during Covid.
Daniel Zeruto  (my pick) - Supported by "Moms for Liberty", says most important issue for school board is lack of transparency with parents. 

School Board Member, District 4
Laurie Lawson Cox(my pick) Teacher for 33 years. Well spoken, seems to have a lot of connections in the schools. Seems politically middle of the road.
Jeremy Rogers Firefighter and founder of Tallahassee Adventure Club, Tots and Trails, and the Killearn Sunshine Academy. Is supported by Equality Florida (a far left pro LGBTQ+#$ political group), therefore he is a NO for me. 

City Commissioner, Seat 1
Anyone but not Jack. The debate can be watched HERE
Louis Dilbert Not a lot of information about him other than he has been in Tallahassee 25 years.  He is not clear on his policy positions. Another Democrat. 
Rudolph "Rudy" Ferguson (my reluctant pick) - Senior pastor of New Birth Tabernacle of Praise. Board Member of Griffin Heights Neighborhood Assoc. Board Member of 100 Black Men Chapter of Tallahassee. Board Member of Leon County Sherriff's Citizen Advisory Council. A moderate Democrat at least he supports law enforcement. 
Jacqueline "Jack" Porter - Current city commissioner. Anyone but Jack. She has proven to be a far left socialist with poor ethics. 

City Commissioner, Seat 2

These are all left leaning. The debate can be watched HERE
Dot Inman-Johnson - Former City Commissioner and 2 term Mayor in Tallahassee. Served on National Superfund Advisory committee. Serves on a ton of boards and environmental committees. Lots of experience. Very left of center.  
Donna Nyack - A relative newbie, registered nurse and California native moved to Tallahassee less than a year ago. Registered Republican but seems to support leftist policies. I don't know why she is running. 
Curtis Richardson - (my reluctant pick) Current City Commissioner (since 2014), a moderate Democrat, pushed for 27% city tax hike, voted to approve contracts for city vendors that had recently donated to his campaign and did not excuse himself from voting. He does support the local law enforcement. He is the least bad. 
Bernard Michael Stevens Jr - Reverend of a local church. I could not find much info on him. His answers in interviews and debates indicates very similar views to the other candidates.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Voter Guide Leon County, Florida General Ballot Blog Nov 2022


Leon County, Florida General Ballot Blog November 2022

Don't forget to vote November 8, 2022

This is my take and observations on the candidates on my ballot. I include links where I can but really this is an exercise to help ME decide who to vote for. Hope it helps those others out there researching.
You wouldn't choose your brain surgeon based on personality, choose your government leader based on how they vote.

A few additional resources I like.
James Madison Institute Amendment Guide
ivoter guide - simple non-partisan summary based on your zip code (make sure you click the  2020 general election button on the right.
The Democrat Guide is OK but you can only view it a couple of times before they make you pay for it.

United States Senator - 
Marco Rubio (REP) -(my pick) -He consistently votes as a conservative. I have disagreed with him on only a few decisions.
Val Demmings (DEM) - Current mayor of Orange County. Served in Florida's Congress. Former Orlando chief of Police. Good on being pro-police. Votes as most democrats, pro big government, and more government control.

Representative in US Congress, District 2
Neal Dunn (REP) (my pick) - While he steers away from controversial issues and often does not want to take a strong stand, he votes fairly conservative.  
Al Lawson (DEM) - While not as progressive as some, he consistently votes with the democratic party.

Commissioner of Agriculture - 
Wilton Simpson (REP) - (my pick) Current member of the Florida State Senate (since 2016); Elected Senate president in 2019; Lifelong farmer currently has a egg production farm. Supported by Ron DeSantis.
Naomi Esther Blemur (DEM) - A first generation Haitian-American Minister. A career in management, working for several fortune 500 companies in the retail industry and commercial banking. Established a non-profit focused on women's issues and at-risk girls. No real connections to farmers or the agriculture industry. This is just a political stepping stone for her.

Judicial Voting Guide

Justice of the Supreme Court (Retain ?)

(Yes) Retain Justice Charles T. Canady - appointed by Jeb Bush in 2002. Formerly served 3 terms in Florida House and 4 terms in U.S. house of representatives.
(Yes) Retain Justice John D. Couriel - appointed by Ron Desantis in 2020. Assistant US attorney in south Florida for several years. Private attorney for several years.
(Yes) Retain Justice Jamie Grosshans - appointed by Ron Desantis in 2020. Assistant state attorney for several years. Court of appeals for a few years.
(No) Retain Justice Jorge Labarga - appointed by Charlie Christ in 2009. Circuit court judge before that and public defender for several years. Based on recommendation by the Florida Family Council.
(Yes) Retain Justice Ricky Polston - appointed by Charlie Christ in 2008.  Served as judge on District Court of Appeals and adjunct professor at FSU.

District Court of Appeal (Retain ?)

(Yes) Retain Judge Ross L. Bilbrey - appointed by Rick Scott in 2014. County and circuit judge since 2006
(Yes) Retain Judge Susan Kelsey - appointed by Rick Scott in 2015. Prior to that worked in private law practices.
(Yes) Retain Judge Bobby Long - appointed by Ron Desantis in 2020. Served as a trial court judge and Circuit Court Judge. Was general council for Leon County Sherriff's office.
(Yes) Retain Judge Lori S. Rowe - appointed by Charlie Christ in 2009. Deputy Attorney General for a few years. Private attorney for a few years.
(Yes) Retain Judge Bo Winokur - appointed by Rick Scott in 2015. Served as Army Judge advocate for a few years. Previously served as assistant attorney general for a few years.

Board of County Commissioners At Large, Group 2 - There is no good pick here, Nick is the least bad.
Josh Johnson - Not much info on him. Teaches Government and Economics at Godby High. Self proclaimed small business owner. Against the BluePrint $ going to FSU football Stadium. Anti building/growth. Supported by the far progressive wing of the city.
Nick Maddox - (least bad) Our current commissioner since 2010. Considers himself "a conservative Democrat", is OK with raising taxes, focus on affordable housing in the county. Former FSU and NFL football player, voted for $800,000 sidewalk project that mostly benefits the Double Tree.

Board of County Commissioners, District 2
Christian Caban 
Hannah Crow - (my pick) 

Board of County Commissioners, District 5 - both are leftists
Paula DeBoles-Johnson (my pick) not quite as far left
David T. O'Keefe - 

School Board Member, District 3
Darryl Jones 
Write-in - (my pick) Dr. Ed Moore, or just put anyone they will be better.

School Board Member, District 4 - both seem like they could do a good job but I liked Laurie in the interviews better.
Laurie Lawson Cox (my close pick) Teacher for 33 years. Well spoken, seems to have a lot of connections in the schools. Supported by Hodges.  
Alex Stemlie Assistant principal at Ran for school board 2 years ago. Previous dean of students at Deer Lake Middle School. Not a conservative but seems reasonable and a good vision for the school board.

John Dailey  (my pick) A democrat but I believe an honest one. I don't always agree with his stances but I think he genuinely cares about our town and is not corrupt. Supported giving Blueprint Funds to update FSU and FAMU stadiums.
Kristin Dozier - Current county commissioner for District 5. Vice president of Mad Dog Construction. Leed Accredited. Opposed giving Blueprint Funds to update FSU and FAMU stadiums. Not a lot different between her and John Dailey, but she is supported by some very far progressive groups including Dream Defenders and Florida Rising.

No. 1 Constitutional Amendment: Limitation on the Assessment of Real Property Used for Residential Purposes
(YES) This protects home owners from increased taxes when they make improvements that help protect their property from flooding.

No. 2 Constitutional Amendment: Abolishing the Constitution Revision Commission (CRC).
(No) I go back and forth on this one. The CRC is a double edged sword. The CRC meets every 20 years to make amendments. One of a few ways to do so. While the last time they met they introduced several amendments that were "silly and unnecessary" but a few were also important and hard to get on the ballot any other way. Overall the Florida Constitution is amended too often, and this is one of the the few ways to undo some of those bad amendments. 

No. 3 Constitutional Amendment: Additional Homestead Property Tax Exemption for Specified Critical Services Workforce
(YES) Provides additional tax break to teachers, military and first responders on property tax. I don't like property taxes to begin with. But this does put a higher burden on the rest of us, unless they makeup the taxes in sales taxes (which I prefer).

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Voter Guide Leon County, Florida General Election Ballot November 2020

 Leon County, Florida General Election Ballot November 2020

Don't forget to vote November 3, 2020

This is my take and observations on the candidates on my ballot. I include links where I can but really this is an exercise to help ME decide who to vote for. Hope it helps those others out there researching. Feel free to comment and/or provide additional information you know about the candidates.

Link to Democrat party platform
Link to Republican party platform

A few additional resources I like.
James Madison Institute Amendment Guide
ivoter guide - simple non-partisan summary based on your zip code (make sure you click the  2020 general election button on the right.
The Democrat Guide is OK but you can only view it a couple of times before they make you pay for it.

Representative to Congress, District 2
Neal Dunn (REP) - (my pick) running unopposed he has been a good representative, I like him.

Representative to Congress, District 5 (includes northern Leon Co all the way to Jacksonville)
Gary Adler (REP) (my pick) Based in Jacksonville, a business owner who is new to politics. Would not be my first choice but probably better than Lawson.
Al Lawson (DEM) - The incumbent. Has been state legislature for 28 years. Active insurance agent. Owner of a marketing firm. Current focus is on health care. Not a socialist, but tends to vote for bigger government and higher taxes.

State Senator, District 3
Marva Harris Preston (REP) (my pick)  Graduated from Wakulla High but has worked for 26 years as a police officer for the city of Miami, ordained ministry for Christ Church Anglican in Crawfordville, Florida, Endorsed by Gov Desantis. Not a lot of political experience, but appears to be a strong conservative.
Loranne Ausley (DEM) - Incumbent. Career politician, in the Florida house from 2000-2008 and 2016-present. I regretfully once voted for her thinking she was a moderate, but she is not and has proven herself to be far left big government type. 

State Representative, District 9
Jim Kallinger (REP) (my pick) Moderate conservative. Past State Representative 2001 to 2004. Past chair of the Florida Faith & Freedom Coalition. Current senior strategist for Front Lines Strategies, a marketing firm.
Allison Tant (DEM) - Moderate progressive. Self proclaimed community organizer, has focused on support for disabled children in education (good cause). Very non-committal in many of her comments and answers. State chair for Democratic party.

Superintendent of Schools
Pam Hightower (DEM) - (my reluctant pick) 40 years of educational experience. Former principal for 3 different schools, and District Director of Title 1 and Special Services. I'm willing to give someone else a chance.
Rocky Hanna (NPA) - Incumbent, actually a DEM. Remember the school bussing fiasco last year? He will not allow teachers to participate in Florida's armed teacher program. Has a weird relationship to some LLC's registered in Las Vegas used to support local campaigns.

Justice of the Supreme Court (Retain ?)
(Yes) Retain Justice Carlos G. Muniz - recent appointment by Ron DeSantis in 2019. Formerly served as lawyer for the US dept. of Education, served as deputy attorney general and chief of staff to the Florida Attorney General.

District Court of Appeal (Retain ?)

(Yes) Retain Judge Joseph Lewis Jr. - Incumbent since 2001. Office of the Attorney General 1995-2000. appointed by Jeb Bush.
(Yes) Retain Judge Scott Makar - Incumbent since 2012. Appointed by Rick Scott. Solicitor General, State of Florida 2007-2011. General Counsel City of Jacksonville 2001-2007.
(Yes) Retain Judge Rachel Norby - recent appointment by Ron DeSantis in 2019. Served as Senior Deputy Solicitor General for the Florida Attorney General. Also was a partner at Tallahassee law firm.
(Yes) Retain Judge Tim Osterhause - Incumbent since 2013. Appointed by Rick Scott. I have met him and casually knew their family. Good people.
(Yes) Retain Judge Clay Roberts - Incumbent since 2007. Appointed by Charlie Crist. Deputy Attorney General 2003-2007. Adjunct law professor 2004-2013. 
(Yes) Retain Judge Adam S. Tanenbaum - Recently appointed by Ron DeSantis in 2019. Lawyer for FL House of Representatives 2016-2019, FL Dept of State 2015-2016. Back and forth as Assistant public defender and private attorney between 1997-2014.

Circuit Judge, 2nd Judicial Circuit, Group 4
Tiffany Baker - young attorney worked past 7 years as criminal defense, personal injury and family law attorney. Young but actually spoke about upholding the constitution in interview.
Amanda P. Wall - (my pick), 31 Years in law practice as both a private attorney and as a prosecutor. appears to have a greater variety of types law practice which I think is a plus for a judge.

Board of County Commissioners at Large, Group 1
Carolyn Cummings - (my pick) An attorney with over 35 years of experience in government and general practice law. Main concerns are crime and affordable housing. Supports Children's Services Council. This is a close one, although I don't agree with her on everything she seems fairly moderate and willing to work with the business community.
Kelly Otte - served as the executive director at the PACE Center for Girls for more than a decade. Columnist of the Tallahassee Democrat. Has had a variety of jobs. Lots of volunteer works. Main concerns economic growth, crime and poverty. 

Board of County Commissioners, District 4
Bryan Desloge (my reluctant pick) Former IBM employee and former owner of a medical device firm. Former chair of city Chamber of Commerce. A rare republican (possibly the only one) on the county commission. Can be a hot head at times, and I don't always agree, but he is more conservative than most of the others on the commission.
Brian Welch - Chiles High teacher, Main issues, getting additional parks for the NE Tallahassee and limiting development. I agree with many of his positions, I just agree more with Desloge.

City Commissioner, Seat 2
Curtis Richardson - Current City Commissioner, a progressive, pushed for 27% city tax hike, voted to approve contracts for city vendors that had recently donated to his campaign and did not excuse himself from voting.
Bill Schack - (my pick) Tallahassee business owner. Food service director for Tallahassee homeless shelter and Guardian ad litem volunteer. Strong law enforcement supporter.

Leon Soil and Water Conservation District Seat 5 (very little info on either candidate)
James R. Billingsley - (my pick) Former member of Canopy Roads Citizens Committee and employee of the Florida House and Senate, whatever that means. Pick only due to experience on CRCC.
Kyle Frost - Software engineer. Is active in the local environmental community. 

Capital Region Community Development District, Seat 4
Carl Mikyska (my pick)  Incumbent. Executive Director of the Florida Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council. Worked for FDOT. 
Andrew Wiggins - Could not find any information about him.

Establishment of Children's Services Council of Leon County

This creates a new county bureaucracy that would have their own taxing power and will not be able to be removed until 12 years after being established. Children services are already covered under the county's budget, with lots of different programs. There is no written plan or budget for this new initiative. You're expected to vote for it before you can see what it will do. Additional Children's Services and budgets should be addressed through the existing mostly transparent county commission and not a new unaccountable committee.


In general if you don't understand an amendment it is better to vote NO. Our Florida constitution is muddied up with way too many things that should have been left to legislation by the house and senate, and not put forever in the constitution.

No. 1 - Citizenship Requirement to Vote in Florida Elections
Requires Florida residents to be citizens to vote. This is kinda redundant, but is an attempt to clarify the language in the law. This is an issue that cannot be addressed by the Legislature.

No. 2 - Raising Florida's Minimum Wage
Raises Florida's Minimum Wage to $15. This is a job and small business killer. Small businesses like restaurants already struggling to stay alive will be forced to fire people and/or shut down. The only companies able to absorb the costs will be large corporations like Target. For a great summary explaining why this is a bad idea go HERE.
(NO NO NO.......)

No. 3 - All Voters Vote in Primary Elections for State Legislature, Governor, and Cabinet
This would make Florida's Primaries "Open" which means REP can vote for DEMs in the primary and visa versa. I don't like this idea as it makes it possible for either party to sabotage the other party's primary by voting against the other party's stronger candidate.

No. 4 -  Voter Approval of Constitutional Amendments
Requires Florida Constitutional amendments to pass voter approval twice. Currently I think Florida's constitution is changed too easily. This will help make sure that amendments are looked at more closely. Since a different set of voters tend to vote every 2 years it makes since to have each weight in.

No. 5 - Limitations on Homestead Property Tax Assessments: 
Extends the homestead tax exemption (Save-Our-Homes) from 2 to 3 years. Gives homeowners a time exemption for those that take a long time to build a home, which has been happening a lot lately with the recent hurricane issues.
This is an issue that cannot be addressed by the Legislature.

No. 6 - Homestead Property Tax Discount for Surviving Spouses of Deceased Veterans
Does what it sounds like. It is only for veterans with combat related disabilities. I think this makes sense.
This is an issue that cannot be addressed by the Legislature.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Leon County General Election 2018

Leon County, Florida Ballot Blog

Don't forget to vote November 6, 2018

This is my take and observations on the candidates on my ballot. I include links where I can but really this is an exercise to help ME decide who to vote for. Hope it helps those others out there researching. 

Commissioner of Agriculture

Matt Caldwell - Rep -  (My Pick) My pick during the primary. Former real estate appraiser. Current member of the Florida House where he was elected in 2010. Has a lot of endorsements

Nicole "Nikki" Fried - Dem - Worked as a public defender after college, now is lawyer in private practice. Increased access to medical marijuana is her main platform. 


John Dailey - (My reluctant Pick) He is not as bad as Dustin. One day I hope to be able to elect at least some moderates to the city government, until then John is the least bad option.

Dustin R. Daniels - Dustin is a buddy of Andrew Gillum and involved in some of the same "receiving of favors". If you like Andrew Gillum then Dustin is for you.

 City Commissioner Seat 3

Lisa Brown - (My reluctant Pick) CEO and board member at the Tallahassee-Leon Federal Credit Union. Formerly registered republican now NPA, considers herself a moderate. At least she is not supported by NOW.

Jeremy Matlow - Owner of Gaines Street Pies, supported by NOW, FSU college DEMS, the teachers union, and

 City Commissioner Seat 5 (this is a no win race)

Bob Lotane - Communications (marketing lobbying) Consultant - Progressive liberal. Anti-school choice, anti-charter schools, proposes to ban plastic bags, proposes "high speed" buses. He does have a strong ethics reform and government transparency stance. His website has a lot of info.

Dianne Williams-Cox -(my changed pick)Accountability/Comp. Officer for Voices of FL, Inc., Proud member of the Democratic party.  She didn't really state any real policies only platitudes. After reading some negative politico flier I changed my mind to pick her.

Leon Soil and Water Conservation District 2

Cara Feischer - Co-leader of Tallahassee citizens climate lobby (that sounds like an organization that needs some tax money)

John W. Hedrick -Assistant public defender, served as chair of democrat environmental caucus.

Will Henry - (My Pick) Veteran, retired nurse and accountant, seems at least somewhat moderate

Leon Soil and Water Conservation District 4

Bill Helmich - (My Pick) He is running on a platform of doing away with the Leon Soil and Water Conservation committee, which sounds like a good idea since their original function is not longer needed. They were created in the 1938 to represent small farmers to report soil and water needs to the government. They do not make policy or influence taxes but only inform and lobby for their own ideas.

Brian Lee - Incumbent, co-founder of Re-think energy Florida advocate.

Retain Justice Alan Lawson - (Yes) A conservative leaning judge appointed by Rick Scott.

Retain Judge Harvey Jay - (Yes)  Appointed by Rick Scott, I could not find a reason not to keep him.

Retain Judge Stephanie Ray - (Yes)  Appointed by Rick Scott, lots of awards and community organizations. 

Retain Judge Brad Thomas - (Yes) Appointed by Jeb Bush, I could not find a reason not to keep him.

Retain Judge Kemmerly Thomas - (YesA conservative leaning judge appointed by Rick Scott.

Retain Judge Allen Winsor - (Yes) Appointed by Rick Scott, I could not find a reason not to keep him.

Circuit Judge, 2nd Judicial Circuit, Group 12

Lisa Barclay Fountain -Worked at a variety of private law firms, about half plantiffs and half defense lawyer.
David Frank -  (My Close Pick) Former Green Beret, CIA analyst, and Assistant Attorney General. Currently owns The Frank Law Firm. Also has defense and plantiff experience. I give him the edge because he had experience as a prosecutor in addition to private work.


In general if you don't understand an amendment it is better to vote NO. Our Florida constitution is muddied up with way too many things that should have been left to legislation by the house and senate, and not put forever in the constitution.

No. 1 - Increased Homestead Property Tax Exemption
If you own a decent home you will get an additional tax break on the house you live in. I love lower taxes.

No. 2 - Limitations on Property Tax Assessments
Makes permanent, limits to non-homestead property tax increases to 10% or less. This limit is already in effect, this just makes it permanent.
No. 3 - Voter Control of Gambling in Florida
Financed by the Seminole Tribe and Disney. It would make it so that expanding gambling would require being voted on by Florida residents. (now the legislature or voters can authorize gambling). I don't think it makes sense that voters in Tallahassee would have a say in Miami expanding gambling or visa versa. After additional research and discussion I don't think this should be in the constitution and the legislature should have a say in this issue. 

No. 4 - Voter Restoration Amendment
Fairly straight forward. Restores the voting rights of felons after they complete their sentence. Does not apply to murder and sexual offenses. I believe in restoring the rights and privileges to those that have finished their sentence. 

No. 5 - Supermajority Vote Required to Impose, Authorize, or Raise State Taxes or Fees.  
Requires 2/3rds vote of each house of the legislature to raise taxes or fees.  Does not apply to counties or cities only state. I am for lower taxes in general. If a fee is really important they can get more than 2/3rds votes.


No. 6 - Rights of Crime Victims: Judges
I don't like that this is really 3 (or more) amendments rolled into one. This is a complicated one with too many different moving parts. I agree with overall giving rights to victims (Marcy's Law), I think this is a complex issue that requires more simplification and clarity than is given by this amendment.

No. 7 - First Responder and Military Member Survivor
While I support giving death benefits and cheaper college to the surviving family members of First Responders and the military, this does not belong in the constitution and should be handled via the legislature.

No. 9 - Prohibits Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling; Prohibits Vaping in Enclosed Indoor Workplaces
First this should not be 1 amendment but 2. Prohibiting Oil and Gas Drilling is shortsighted and foolish, a sentiment based on fear. This should be handled first in the marketplace, and second in the legislature. Vaping issues should be handled by whomever owns the workplace and not in the constitution.

No. 10 - State and Local Government Structure and Operation
Although this has way too many different things in one amendment, I strongly support elections of the sheriff, property appraiser, tax collectors, and clerks of court. County officials that remove the elections and instead put there own choices in these positions have way too much power. The other part of the amendment are not that important.

No. 11 - Removal of Obsolete Provision; Criminal Statutes
This is a bundle of several revisions proposed by the "Constitution Revision Commission" to remove and change 3 main provisions. 1. repeals a prohibition of foreign-born persons from owning or inheriting Florida property. 2. repeals provision that forced the development of high-speed rail. 3. Allows more flexibility in prosecuting amended criminal statutes.

No. 12 - Lobbying and Abuse of Office by Public Officers
This prohibits public officials from lobbying for compensation during the official's term in office and for six years after the official leaves office and prohibits public officials from using the office to obtain a disproportionate benefit. A good idea in theory, enforcement would be very tricky, but does not belong in the constitution.

No. 13 - Ends Dog Racing
I disagree with dog racing for a number of reasons, however, language in this bill could be used to limit or outlaw hunting, fishing, farming of animals, etc.  It has a "poison pill" and does not belong in the constitution.

Extras: (not Constitutional)

Code of Ethics as Proposed by the Citizen Charter Review Committee
Establishes a Code of Ethics for the County Commissioners, employees, and their appointees. Long overdue,  the county is in bad need of Ethics reform.

Second Judicial Circuit Public Defender Appointee to City of Tallahassee Independent Ethics Board
Provides that the Public Defender will appoint Seat 2 on the Tallahassee Ethics Board.
I will continue as I have time:.....